Weather Cancellation Policy

American Professional Educational Services

10 February 2025 42°F
Norwich, CTbroken clouds
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We must always be concerned about the safety of our students and staff when traveling to and from classes during impending or ongoing poor weather conditions.

If an inclement weather event is expected, the Director of the School or his designee makes it a practice to monitor weather conditions and consult with American Ambulance operations. We also monitor the cancellation/delay announcements for the local public schools and Three Rivers Community College.  We will generally not make a call to cancel night classes until 1500 on the day of class.  If a decision is made to cancel classes and clinical rotations, that information will be posted in the following ways:

  • American Professional Educational Services Facebook Page
  • APES Weather Line – 860.886.1463 x125
  • NBC Connecticut
  • News 8 (WTNH)
  • News 3 (WFSB)
  • Radio stations – FM: 97.7, 98.3, 98.7, 100.9; AM: 1310, 14AM

If the school is closed, all school-related activities are canceled.  This includes clinical and field rotations scheduled for the day or night.

In the event, we have not canceled or delayed classes and you do not feel comfortable driving in poor weather conditions to APES or an off-site location, please contact your instructor or call the office to let us know you will not be attending class due to the weather.  You will be responsible for all missed work if the class is not canceled.  If you cannot get in touch with your instructor, do not hesitate to contact the Director at extension 100.  If no one answers, please leave a message (it is sent to our email).